£150.00 GBP

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Psychological Consultation

A 60-minute video consultation with our Clinical Consultant will include;

  • A psychological consultation to understand main presenting problems
  • A discussion on evidence-based psychological treatment options available
  • Expert Clinical recommendations and signposting to appropriate services
  • An understanding of what therapy will involve and how to overcome difficulties
  • An opportunity to ask questions before making any commitment
  • An understanding of number of treatment sessions recommended with frequency and duration
  • A discussion on goals for therapy to be worked on and length of treatment
  • A discussion on the practicalities of therapy by looking at appointment times, cancellations policies, confidentiality and the treatment agreement
  • An understanding of the suitability of working together
  • Your personal plan/map with no obligation to engage in treatment with rkTherapy
  • An expert psychological assessment (with formal documentation if required for third parties)

NOTE: Our Psychological Consultation does not mean you are obliged to continue with treatment plan.