

"In terms of feedback, I'm not exaggerating when I say the professional, friendly, and helpful therapy you provided me has been nothing short of life changing. I've really enjoyed our sessions and they have helped me come from a place where I didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel to feeling like I have the tools to cope and move on with my life.

I feel happier and better and I am so grateful for that. I would recommend therapy to anyone, I would definitely recommend you."




"Roje was really good! I am thankful for everything she helped me achieve."




"I found the sessions incredibly useful and rewarding. I was unsure how it would be to discuss some sensitive topics on video-call rather than face-to-face, but it was actually fine and worked well and made it very convenient. There was a lovely balance of safe space to explore ideas in a natural conversation way, but with some guidance, tried and tested tools/techniques to support the discussions.

You were very welcoming and supportive and were always adding value and and insights for me to contemplate and evolve my approaches and thinking. I didn't really have any expectations before the CBT sessions so was pleasantly surprised and struggle to think what could be improved.

I must admit I miss having our nice chats."




"I found our sessions to be really useful for stepping away from the circular thought processes I was having. The particular parts I found really useful were; sharing materials with me on the way our minds work, accompanied by a thorough explanation, phrased in a way that was relatable and made sense to me, sharing the wheel of emotions to describe how you're feeling - I think this helped me pinpoint exactly what my feelings were which was a useful starting point, being open to listening, and creating a space where I felt OK to be upset at times, giving me homework, which was something I could actively focus on between sessions (the journal of when particular thoughts would occur), and providing simple, effective tools that can be applied across all different scenarios - for example, assessing decisions or concerns against whether they are inside or outside of your control.

Thank you for your help Roje - there have been a few times where I wish we were still catching up."




"Roje was excellent and helped me a huge amount."



"Roje was extremely helpful and professional and had helped me a lot with my therapy."




"I am absolutely impressed at how quickly Roje got to know me and the type of approach needed to help me in the best way possible. Very professional but friendly. I always felt at ease knowing I was in good hands. This  CBT programme has changed my life for the better and has had such a huge positive impact. I am continuing to use the tools given to me. I would recommend CBT to anyone. 

Absolute game changer for me. Has helped myself and my family and I am so  much more positive and don't beat myself up for having a bad day.

Thank you so much for your insight, education and support." 



"Roje at rkTherapy was excellent. I was sceptical about undergoing therapy and was pleasantly surprised by how much it helped me to deal with the issues that had brought me there. Roje was professional, compassionate, articulate and kind. She has made a real difference to the way I process and deal with everyday things and has also helped me to resolve or understand some issues from my past.

I would have no hesitation in going to to see her if I ever needed to or to recommend her to anyone else. She was always able to find an appropriate analogy, technique or angle to help me see things more clearly and it was very rewarding to see how genuinely pleased she was to see me apply what I had learnt and improve week by week.

I couldn't thank her or rate her enough. Roje is a real asset to her team and I am very thankful for her support to overcome a particularly difficult period."




"Roje was really nice and made me feel at ease from the get go."




"Ever since my first conversation with Roje, I felt genuinely heard and validated that  my worries and concerns needed attention. She started with utmost empathy, made me feel safe to pour my frustrations and fear out in the open and then dealt them one at a time. What was impressive is that she did not miss any word or phrase I used in passing. She understood the weight they carried and made me acknowledge it and then tackle with it.

She gave me power to cut down on my negative self-talk and most importantly help me identify and leverage the individuals in my own life that I can rely upon for trusted and calming advice in the future. It has been months since we last spoke, but I still revisit the notes I made with Roje, or things she asked me to ponder over as weekly tasks. Depending on current circumstances, I still follow all or parts of Roje's advice to help my stress under control and cope with fatigue that Covid and work from home has made worse for those already in some sort of sticky spot.

Since our CBT sessions, I have gone on to put myself first on more number of occasions than previously. And I have been able to spot my stress triggers from a long distance and started taking measures like mindful activities discussed during the sessions.

Cannot thank Roje enough for her empathetic and professional sessions."




"Roje was absolutely amazing"




"Roje has been amazing. She is so professional and knowledgeable and really helped me feeling comfortable talking to her during our sessions.

Thanks to her I now have a much better life."



"Firstly, right away I felt able to be open and honest about some of the issues I have faced. It can be difficult for me to talk about the details so I tend not to. I knew however if I wanted the therapy to help I had to be completely honest and my initial concerns that it wouldn't be possible were removed in our first session. You immediately made me feel at ease and although it was really hard to talk out loud about the issues, I managed it with your amazing help.

There was absolutely no judgment and you also didn't just sympathise, but with patience, you clearly acknowledge the situation and gave me tools to allow me to also acknowledge and finally deal with, in a particular way, the demons I've been carrying around with me for most of my life. 

You walked me through the right tools for me in such an easy and practical way so I could not just understand what I needed to do, but also how to do it. 

You have given me the confidence to start liking who I am and to think about life differently. I feel lighter and everything seems brighter for me.

I can't tell you how much you have changed my world."




"Just a simple note to say THANK YOU for being an important contributor in improving my health & wellbeing. You've helped me see through some difficult times in my life for which I seem to have finally found some answers...

Your help has been well received and be remembered for a long time to come."




"I just wanted to thank you for all the help you have given me to resolve things from my past and look forward to a better future."




"I would like to thank you for all your excellent CBT sessions. I am enjoying life far more now - able to take calculated risks and accept uncertainty.

I am sure you will help many others!"




"I can't thank you enough for helping me through a very difficult time. I'm a different person now (that's what it feels like), more able to cope with crises in a clear and level-headed way. 

Having CBT with you is the most valuable thing I've ever done for my mental health."




"I can't thank Roje enough for all of her help and support!

It truly has been life changing."




"I want to thank you for listening and for being so understanding.

You have helped me through one of the most challenging times in my life which nobody else seemed to comprehend as much as you."




"Thank you Roje for all of your help. I have learnt a great deal which continues to help."




"Thank you to the most beautiful and excellent therapist I ever had, thank you for being gracious, non judgemental, good communication skills and a great listener, trustworthy and very respectful. I’m really glad I met you. I really appreciate you. God bless you. Wishing you the very best of life."






"Thank you Roje for helping to put my 'pieces' back together and guiding me to find my way. I have learned so much from you and I know that I will apply this in maintaining the peace of mind and confidence in myself that I had lost.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have met you.

Your ability to balance professionalism with warmth and compassion has been inspiring."




"Thank you Roje for all you have done. If it wasn't for you God only knows what I'd be like now. I will miss our talks.

Again thank you so much."




"Thank you so much for all your time, support & patience."






“I was extremely impressed and enjoyed my sessions with Roje, she made a big impression on my life with her level of care and understanding. She provided me with tools that will improve my life. I have already recommended her services.”







"Thank you for everything you have done for me over the sessions.
You have now given me the tools and thought processes I need to be able to deal with everyday stresses and the depression that I had when I first started with you. It only took 2 good sessions before I really started to feel the benefits of what you taught me and after 6 I feel like a different person.
On a personal level, I found you a really lovely person and easy to speak to. I can't thank you enough."




"Thank you Roje for everything and tools you provided it's life changing".




"When I first met Roje I was at absolute rock bottom. I was considering and planning the most drastic of actions that would have meant I was not around any longer. My thoughts were only negative and I had no understanding of why I was feeling that way. All I knew was that I didn't care about myself or anything, and that if I was gone it wouldn't matter. I knew that I didn't want to feel that way but I just couldn't help it.
I am a 49 year old man, I thought that I was lost and that it was normal to feel like I did. Roje has been amazing and incredibly supportive. Over the course of seeing her every week I am a totally different person for the better. I no longer have the thoughts and feelings that I did before and she has equipped me with the structure in my life to be able to understand and manage my thoughts, moods and emotions, to only focus on what is in my control and that opinions are not fact, so why should I worry about them.
I was quite cynical about it at first. I would recommend anyone to try it. But I would say that, to really get the benefit from it you have to be open and honest with yourself and Roje, and to fully commit yourself and your time during sessions."


Names have been changed to protect our clients' privacy and maintain strict confidentiality